Default Admin User

Every new Tracecat deployment is created with a default admin user. This user owns the organization and has super admin rights to every workspace in the Tracecat deployment.

We highly recommend changing the default email and password immediately after login. See the following warning callout box for details:

We cannot stress this enough. Don’t forget to change the email and password of the default admin user in production!

The login the first time: default email is and the default password is password.


Authentication Methods

Tracecat currently supports the following authentication methods:

  • basic: Email and Password
  • google: Google OAuth

Choose from a number of authentication methods listed below to get started.

Enable / Disable Authentication Methods

You can enable / disable multiple authentication methods in the .env file by modifying the TRACECAT__AUTH_TYPES environment variable. TRACECAT__AUTH_TYPES is a comma separated list of auth method keys: i.e. basic, google_oauth.
