A cheatsheet of functions and operators supported by Tracecat.
Function | Arguments | Description |
capitalize | (x: str) -> str | Capitalize a string. |
concat | (*items: str) -> str | Concatenate multiple strings. |
endswith | (x: str, suffix: str) -> bool | Check if a string ends with a specified suffix. |
format | (template: str, *values: Any) -> str | Format a string with the given arguments. |
join | (items: Sequence[str], sep: str) -> str | Join sequence of strings with separator. |
lowercase | (x: str) -> str | Convert string to lowercase. |
prefix | (x: str | list[str], prefix: str) -> str | list[str] | Add a prefix to a string or list of strings. |
replace | (x: str, old: str, new: str) -> str | Replace all occurrences of old substring with new substring. |
slice | (x: str, start_index: int, length: int) -> str | Extract a substring from start_index with given length. |
slugify | (x: str) -> str | Slugify a string. |
split | (x: str, sep: str) -> list[str] | Split a string into a list of strings by a seperator. |
startswith | (x: str, suffix: str) -> bool | Check if a string starts wit a specified suffix. |
strip | (x: str, chars: str) -> str | Removes all leading and trailing characters. |
suffix | (x: str | list[str], suffix: str) -> str | list[str] | Add a suffix to a string or list of strings. |
titleize | (x: str) -> str | Convert a string to titlecase. |
uppercase | (x: str) -> str | Convert string to uppercase. |
url_encode | (x: str) -> str | Converts URL-unsafe characters into percent-encoded characters. |
url_decode | (x: str) -> str | Converts percent-encoded characters back into their original form. |
greater_than_or_equal | (a: Any, b: Any) -> bool | Check if a is greater than or equal to b. |
greater_than | (a: Any, b: Any) -> bool | Check if a is greater than b. |
is_equal | (a: Any, b: Any) -> bool | Check if a is equal to b. |
is_null | (x: Any) -> bool | Check if value is None. |
less_than_or_equal | (a: Any, b: Any) -> bool | Check if a is less than or equal to b. |
less_than | (a: Any, b: Any) -> bool | Check if a is less than b. |
not_equal | (a: Any, b: Any) -> bool | Check if a is not equal to b. |
not_null | (x: Any) -> bool | Check if value is not None. |
regex_extract | (pattern: str, text: str) -> str | None | Extract first match of regex pattern from text. |
regex_match | (pattern: str, text: str) -> bool | Check if text matches regex pattern. |
regex_not_match | (pattern: str, text: str) -> bool | Check if text does not match regex pattern. |
compact | (x: list[Any]) -> list[Any] | Drop null values from a list. Similar to compact function in Terraform. |
contains | (item: Any, container: Sequence[Any]) -> bool | Check if item exists in container. |
does_not_contain | (item: Any, container: Sequence[Any]) -> bool | Check if item does not exist in container. |
flatten | (iterables: Sequence[Sequence[Any]]) -> list[Any] | Flatten nested sequences into a single list. |
is_empty | (x: Sequence[Any]) -> bool | Check if sequence is empty. |
is_in | (item: Any, container: Sequence[Any]) -> bool | Check if item exists in container. |
length | (obj, /) | Return the number of items in a container. |
not_empty | (x: Sequence[Any]) -> bool | Check if sequence is not empty. |
not_in | (item: Any, container: Sequence[Any]) -> bool | Check if item does not exist in container. |
unique | (items: Sequence[Any]) -> list[Any] | List of hashable items (e.g. strings, numbers) to remove duplicates from. |
add | (a: float | int, b: float | int) -> float | int | Add two numbers together. |
sub | (a: float | int, b: float | int) -> float | int | Subtract second number from first number. |
mul | (a: float | int, b: float | int) -> float | int | Multiply two numbers together. |
div | (a: float | int, b: float | int) -> float | Divide first number by second number. |
mod | (a: float | int, b: float | int) -> float | int | Calculate modulo (remainder) of first number divided by second. |
pow | (a: float | int, b: float | int) -> float | int | Raise first number to the power of second number. |
sum | (iterable: Iterable[float | int], start: float | int = 0) -> float | int | Return the sum of a ‘start’ value (default: 0) plus an iterable of numbers. |
zip | (*iterables: Sequence[Any]) -> list[tuple[Any, …]] | Zip multiple sequences together. |
iter_product | (*iterables: Sequence[Any]) -> list[tuple[Any, …]] | Generate cartesian product of sequences. |
range | (start: int, end: int, step: int = 1) -> range | Create a range of integers from start to end (exclusive), with a step size. |
uuid4 | () -> str | Generate a random UUID string. |
index_by_key | (x: list[dict[str, Any]], field_key: str, value_key: str | None = None) -> dict[str, Any] | Convert a list of objects into an object indexed by the specified key. |
lookup | (d: dict[Any, Any], k: Any) -> Any | Safely get value from an object. |
map_keys | (x: dict[str, Any], keys: dict[str, str]) -> dict[str, Any] | Map keys in an object to new keys. |
merge | (x: list[dict[Any, Any]]) -> dict[Any, Any] | Merge list of objects. Similar to merge function in Terraform. |
to_keys | (x: dict[Any, Any]) -> list[Any] | Extract keys from an object. |
to_values | (x: dict[Any, Any]) -> list[Any] | Extract values from an object. |
tabulate | (x: list[dict[str, typing.Any]], format: Literal[markdown, html, csv, xml]) -> str | Format list of objects into markdown , html , csv , or xml |
and | (a: bool, b: bool) -> bool | Logical AND operation. |
or | (a: bool, b: bool) -> bool | Logical OR operation. |
not | (x: bool) -> bool | Logical NOT operation. |
serialize_json | (x: Any) -> str | Convert object to JSON string. |
deserialize_json | (obj, /) | Deserialize JSON to Python objects. |
prettify_json | (x: Any) -> str | Convert object to formatted JSON string. |
deserialize_ndjson | (x: str) -> list[dict[str, Any]] | Parse newline-delimited JSON string into list of objects. |
extract_text_from_html | (input: str) -> list[str] | Extract text content from HTML string using HTMLToTextParser. |
datetime | (year: int, month: int, day: int, hour: int = 0, minute: int = 0, second: int = 0) -> datetime | Create datetime from year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. |
days_between | (start: datetime | str, end: datetime | str) -> float | Days between two datetimes. |
days | (x: int) -> timedelta | Create timedelta with specified days. |
format_datetime | (x: datetime | str, format: str) -> str | Format datetime into specified format (e.g. ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’). |
from_timestamp | (x: int, unit: str = s) -> datetime | Convert integer timestamp in milliseconds (‘ms’) or seconds (‘s’) to datetime. |
get_day_of_week | (x: datetime | str, format: “Literal[number, full, short]” = number) -> int | str | Extract day of week from datetime. Returns 0-6 (Mon-Sun) or day name if format is “full” or “short”. |
get_day | (x: datetime | str) -> int | Get day of month (1-31) from datetime. |
get_hour | (x: datetime | str) -> int | Get hour (0-23) from datetime. |
get_minute | (x: datetime | str) -> int | Get minute (0-59) from datetime. |
get_month | (x: datetime | str, format: “Literal[number, full, short]” = number) -> int | str | Extract month from datetime. Returns 1-12 or month name if format is “full” or “short”. |
get_second | (x: datetime | str) -> int | Get second (0-59) from datetime. |
get_year | (x: datetime | str) -> int | Get year from datetime. |
hours_between | (start: datetime | str, end: datetime | str) -> float | Hours between two datetimes. |
hours | (x: int) -> timedelta | Create timedelta with specified hours. |
minutes_between | (start: datetime | str, end: datetime | str) -> float | Minutes between two datetimes. |
minutes | (x: int) -> timedelta | Create timedelta with specified minutes. |
now | () -> datetime | Return the current datetime. |
parse_datetime | (x: str, format: str) -> datetime | Parse string to datetime using specified format. |
seconds_between | (start: datetime | str, end: datetime | str) -> float | Seconds between two datetimes. |
seconds | (x: int) -> timedelta | Create timedelta with specified seconds. |
set_timezone | (x: datetime | str, timezone: str) -> datetime | Convert datetime to different timezone. Timezone must be a valid IANA timezone name (e.g., “America/New_York”). |
to_datetime | (x: Any, timezone: str | None = None) -> datetime | Convert to timezone-aware datetime object from timestamp (in seconds), ISO 8601 string or existing datetime. |
to_isoformat | (x: datetime | str) -> str | Convert datetime to ISO format string. |
to_timestamp | (x: datetime | str, unit: str = s) -> int | Convert datetime to timestamp in milliseconds (‘ms’) or seconds (‘s’). |
today | () -> date | Return the current date. |
unset_timezone | (x: datetime | str) -> datetime | Remove timezone information from datetime without changing the time. |
utcnow | () -> datetime | Return the current timezone-aware datetime. |
weeks_between | (start: datetime | str, end: datetime | str) -> float | Weeks between two datetimes or dates. |
weeks | (x: int) -> timedelta | Create timedelta with spcified weeks |
windows_filetime | (x: datetime | str) -> int | Convert datetime to Windows filetime. |
to_base64 | (x: str) -> str | Encode string to base64. |
from_base64 | (x: str) -> str | Decode base64 string to string. |
to_base64url | (x: str) -> str | Encode string to URL-safe base64. |
from_base64url | (x: str) -> str | Decode URL-safe base64 string to string. |
ipv4_in_subnet | (ipv4: str, subnet: str) -> bool | Check if IPv4 address is in the given subnet. |
ipv6_in_subnet | (ipv6: str, subnet: str) -> bool | Check if IPv6 address is in the given subnet. |
ipv4_is_public | (ipv4: str) -> bool | Check if IPv4 address is public/global. |
ipv6_is_public | (ipv6: str) -> bool | Check if IPv6 address is public/global. |
check_ip_version | (ip: str) -> int | Get IP address version (4 or 6). |
get_interaction | () -> dict[str, str] | None | Get the interaction context from the current action in the workflow execution. |
extract_emails | (text: str, normalize: bool = False) -> list[str] | Extract unique emails from a string. |
extract_ipv4 | (text: str, include_defanged: bool = False) -> list[str] | Extract unique IPv4 addresses from a string. |
Operator | Description |
|| | Logical OR operation. |
&& | Logical AND operation. |
== | Check if a is equal to b. |
!= | Check if a is not equal to b. |
< | Check if a is less than b. |
<= | Check if a is less than or equal to b. |
> | Check if a is greater than b. |
>= | Check if a is greater than or equal to b. |
+ | Add two numbers together. |
- | Subtract second number from first number. |
* | Multiply two numbers together. |
/ | Divide first number by second number. |
% | Calculate modulo (remainder) of first number divided by second. |
in | Check if item exists in container. |
not in | Check if item does not exist in container. |
is | - |
is not | - |
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