Workflows are a series of steps called Actions. Think of a workflow as a recipe that runs each step needed to complete a task, from start to finish.

Build a workflow

Prefer learning through examples? Watch this video to see how to build a simple workflow.


Add starting action

Drag and drop an action block from the sidebar onto the workflow canvas. Most workflows start with a Webhook Action. Webhooks allow you to receive data from external systems (e.g. Crowdstrike alerts).


Add receiving action

Add another action onto the workflow canvas. This action could be a AI Summarize Action, which uses a large language model (LLM) to summarize the alert received in the previous action.


Connect actions

You can quickly add and connect actions by clicking, instead of dragging, action blocks.

Connect the actions together. This creates a sequence of actions that run in order.


⚒️ Configure actions

Click on an action in the workflow canvas. The right panel will now show the action’s configuration options.

Check out the docs on Actions to learn more.


🪝 Call the webhook to run your workflow

Go to the Send Payload control in the bottom right panel. You might need to click the workflow canvas for the workflow to be in focus.

Trigger Workflow

Select a webhook action from the dropdown, input a JSON object to send to that webhook, and click Send.


🎉 View workflow run status

You can view the status of the workflow run under Past Runs in the bottom right panel.

Past Runs

What next?


You can deploy your workflow using the Publish button in the top right corner of the workflow view.

Deployed workflows runs automatically whenever a starting Webhook action receives new data.


You can schedule your workflow to run as a cron job.

Build bigger

You can build more complex workflows with conditional logic, data transforms, AI task workers and more. See all available Actions.