Updates and data migrations can be tricky business. We’d love to help on Discord.

If you want to migrate secrets, please make sure to save your database encryption / decryption Fernet key. You can find this key in your .env file assigned to the environment variable: TRACECAT__DB_ENCRYPTION_KEY.

Docker Compose


Download latest environment variables migration script and template

Fetch the latest environment variables migration script env-migration.sh and template .env.example to ensure compatibility with the new Tracecat version.

curl -o env-migration.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TracecatHQ/tracecat/0.27.2/env-migration.sh
curl -o .env.example https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TracecatHQ/tracecat/0.27.2/.env.example

Execute environment variables migration

Run the environment variables migration script to update your existing .env file with any new or changed variables.

chmod +x env-migration.sh && ./env-migration.sh

Update Docker Compose Configuration

Download the latest Docker Compose file.

curl -o docker-compose.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TracecatHQ/tracecat/0.27.2/docker-compose.yml

Restart Tracecat

Run docker compose up using the new Docker Compose and .env files.

Update Integrations

Integrations are not automatically updated when you update the Tracecat version. You will need to manually sync the Tracecat registry repository from the Action Registry page:

Terraform Deployments

All of Tracecat’s Cloud deployments are configured using Terraform. To update Tracecat, you can download the latest Terraform stack from Tracecat’s GitHub repo and run terraform apply.

Data Migration

As of version 0.8.x, data migrations are automatically applied when the API service is spun up. Data migrations are, however, non-trivial operations. We recommend backing up your database before running migrations, especially in a production environment.

If the API service fails to spin up due to a data migration error, do not worry. Your data is still intact. Make sure you backup the core Tracecat database:

  • For Docker Compose and AWS EC2 deployments, this would be the core-db volume in Tracecat’s Docker stack.
  • For AWS ECS Fargate deployments, backups are created automatically as part of the RDS postgres service. Just run terraform apply with var.restore_from_backup set to true to restore the latest RDS snapshot.

If you need live migration support, contact us on Discord or email founders@tracecat.com!

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